Styles Of Joint Tips and the Differences Between Them
You may not think about it, but you’ve probably smoked through a joint filter a hundred different times. It usually comes in made of cardboard with the word RAW scrawled on the side in bold red font. Most pre-rolled joints found in medical and recreational dispensaries are equipped with this simple device. Joint filters provide a myriad of benefits despite their simple nature; they catch tar, help the structural integrity, prevent roaches from build up and prevent cannabis from getting in your mouth.
Plastic joint tips are the rarest of the bunch, but they provide all of the same benefits of paper joints with the added effect of more durability and reusability. Many people worry about toxic chemicals being released from the plastic, so take this into consideration when making a purchase. Plastic joint tips are cheap to make and purchase, and are available in multi-unit packages from easy to access distributors like Amazon.
Glass joint tips are rising in popularity the fastest. Not only are they durable and reusable, but glass is also generally regarded as the safest material to smoke through. Any real cannabis connoisseur has a heady glass pipe, bong, or dab rig to enjoy their cannabis through.

Adding a glass tip to that mix is a natural extension of a heady collection. A heady glass tip may seem extra or pointless, but glass culture would say otherwise. Glass enthusiasts believe that each piece is a vessel to the soul and mind. Smoking through a different piece can give you a different feeling or put you on a different wavelength. Supporting local businesses is important to many people and there are hundreds of local glass blowers worthy of support with your hard earned money.
Wooden joint tips are nothing new, rather a forgotten method that was long used as one of the sole materials for smoking devices. Everyone has seen images of Native American’s passing wooden peace pipes around the tee-pee circle, or Gandalf The Grey’s long wooden pipe used in Lord Of The Rings. Wooden tips will add a level of class to your smoking experience and an extra level of flavor. The type of wood that was used to create the tip, will slightly change the flavor on the inhale. When whiskey is aged in wooden barrels, the whiskey takes on the flavor of the wood used to make the barrel. Maple, walnut, and oak are popular choices of wood to use, all will add a distinct feel and taste to your joint or blunt smoking experience.
A Filter420 joint filter can add an extra layer of protection from tar and removes the hot particles that cause coughing. This small preroll joint tip is made from medical grade plastic and will fit most joints with a hand-rolled or store-bought crutch. Just pinch the tip, insert the joint into the green end, spark up, and enjoy a cleaner smoking experience. The Filter420 device uses a pretty nifty physics trick called the Venturi principle to leave hot tar particles caught on silicone beads inside the filters, then your throat.