10 Last Minute Cannabis Gifts for Under $10
Most of us procrastinate until the last week to buy people Christmas presents. While we can’t help you do order your gifts in a timely fashion, we can suggest gifts that won’t break your bank and bring plenty of joy to any cannabis loving compadre in your life. Cannabis use is becoming more and more mainstream making cannabis gifts more readily available and easier to find than ever before. Check out our list of 10 last minute cannabis gifts for under ten bucks and let us know if we’ve missed any of your favorites.
Joint Papers, Cones, and Other Supplies
You can often buy these in head shops, glass shops, even your local gas stations, etc. The joint smoker in your life will never give you a sideways look with the gift of more rolling supplies.
Elevate Accessories Wooden Joint Tip
GIve your buddy a wooden joint holder to class up the joint with. Wooden tips also give your cannabis a different hint of flavor, like a subtle hint of bourbon with each hit.
Cannabis Edibles
Most recreational cannabis shops sell single edibles for $5-$10. If you live in Washington, may I suggest Green Revolution snickerdoodle cookies? If you live in a state without access to recreational cannabis, CBD gummies make an excellent replacement.
Seed Science CBD Applicator
Seed Science is a Portland-based CBD company making full spectrum CBD sourced from hemp. CBD applicators can help heal numerous physical and mental medical conditions. They even make a product designed specifically for veterans.
Single Gram of flower
As far as last minutes cannabis gifts, the best gift you can give is obviously more cannabis. Think it’s out of your price range? Not so fast. There’s a good chance you have access to legal cannabis with recreational markets available on the entire west coast. Most dispensaries carry great grams of flower for $10.
RAW Credit card grinder
For the roller who is always on the move. This handy grinder fits right into any purse or wallet. We all know that person who refuses to twist up without a grinder, so give them the gift of no more excuses. Twist away, bro.
Joint Filters
We all have that friend in the circle who coughs their lungs up after every rotation. Give them a gift of bronchial ease with a pack of Filter420 joint filters. These devices are simple three chamber devices that fit snugly around any regular sized pre-rolled joint or blunt. Silicon beads filter out large amounts of tar and chemicals from cannabis smoke. Each individual filter is good for two or three grams of cannabis.
If you want to give the gift that keeps on giving, check out the Filter420 Fanatics Club
CBD Lip Balm
The holiday season is also the season of chapped lips. Save your friends from chewing the unwanted skin from their face with a CBD powered lip moisturizer.

Kush Queen – Relax CBD Bath Bomb
CBD Bath Bomb
Bath bombs are made with Epsom salts and are great for revitalizing the body with minerals and inflammation reduction. Adding a heavy dose of CBD with the Epsom salts will increase the level of inflammation reduction. Kush Queen offers CBD bath bombs for $9 a pop.
Cone Artist Rolling Tool
This is the gift of self-reliance for the cannabis user who’s always asking someone in the crew to roll their blunts and joints. The cone artist rolling tool is an all-encompassing device that gives you a scaffolding for any blunt or spliff.
Giving last minute cannabis gifts doesn’t have to be a challenge. Whether or not you’re familiar with how and what to buy there are some great, simple options out there that will make any fan happy to get your gift.